Monday, April 21, 2008

Spring is here! I think...

I really should be focused on work today but I just had to get out for a quick cache hunt. The temp in the Twin Cities is finally above 70 degrees so it's time to do some spring caching.

Over the past week or so I spent most of my caching time at the University of Minnesota campus just east of downtown Minneapolis. Most of the caches I found were hidden by meralgia. She's got some excellent hides that are not only challenging but the high muggle traffic around the UofM make them plain hard at times.

On "Don't Give Up" (GC1B9KV) I was lucky enough to get the FTF!! WooHoo!! That makes 75 FTF's (I think). I still have 25 more to go before I can log King Boreas' Challenge cache for FTF's.

One interesting find hidden by Wylbur was "Pipeline" (GC1A3HH). Two things made this one fun. First the hide. I spotted it right away but had to find the right time to get it. Again, muggles in the area - and the house construction going on next door - make this one tough. Two, this one had a digital camera and Wylbur asked that you take a picture. So now my mug shot is out there for everyone to see. In taking the picture I couldn't hold the camera up and take a shot. I had to hold it down by the cache (which one on the trunk of my car) and shoot up at me. Hummm, that's one interesting photo.

Also in the UofM area was a puzzle cache called "Where's Yoda?" (GC196CE). firstbass does an excellent job at puzzle caches and this was another fun one (fun because I was able to solve it!!). The find was just as fun as the puzzle. The cache is hidden along the Mississippi river with a very nice view. It'll be even better once the trees and flowers bloom.

Today's caching took me to the White Bear Lake area. Some fun caching near Bald Eagle Lake. Yes, it's spring, but the ice isn't off the lake yet. I'm hoping it will be soon!!

1 comment:

firstbass said...

Ah, you're too kind. Glad you caught Yoda when you did -- he's been in and out of the hospital recently!